
​I offer a number of willow weaving workshops and demonstrations, some market stalls, along with the occasional talk.​
I originally set up Down 2 Earth in 2009, offering garden design as well as workshops for gardeners and people working in the countryside sector.
Over the years, priorities and interests have altered and during Covid lockdown, I came back to willow weaving again. It’s something I have previously done, starting with my Granny doing cane weaving when I was really young! On this occasion it really struck a chord with me, and this is where the main focus of my work is now. I love the natural sustainability of it and how you can lose yourself in what you are making.
I’ve also always enjoyed teaching and I now offer a variety of workshops learning how to make beautiful items from willow.
I have previously won two Gold Awards at Harrogate Flower show for my show gardens, as well as one Silver Award. One of the Gold Awards even had willow trellis panels and a willow hare in it. I like running workshops which combine weaving and gardening, such as making sweet-pea obelisks or allotment trugs.​
What I can offer
I aim to encourage, enthuse and develop the skills of would-be willow weavers via workshops at a variety of locations in North Yorkshire. These include Helmsley Walled Garden, Danby Lodge, Beck Isle Museum, Ebberston Studios and Sledmere House and Gardens. I'm always happy to discuss running workshops in new locations too.
I also offer talks and demonstrations, or short 'have a go' sessions to groups. Please get in touch to discuss these further.​​